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Browsing Archive: October, 2013

Alcohol vs Smoking

Posted by The New N Used Link Team on Sunday, October 27, 2013,


People tend to compare smoking and alcohol just to see which one causes more health risks, well it’s impossible to determine whether drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes is worse for one’s health because the ways they’re ingested and the effects they have on the body are highly variable. Many years ago, the risks of drinking and smoking were unknown. Fortunately, contemporary research has clearly defined the negative side effects of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking,...

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Are Mermaids Real?

Posted by The New N Used Link on Friday, October 25, 2013, In : Our Universe and Beliefs 


I have always heard about Mermaids...this long back hair, pretty skin, half human and half fish thing but no one has ever confirmed that they really exist. Just like santa claus and the tooth fairy i believe mermaids are fake or it has something to do with evil spirits. But lets go deeper into knowing what they are all about. 75% of the Earth is covered by water, it's little wonder that centuries ago, the oceans were believed to contain many mysterious creatures, including sea serpen...

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Amazon vs Ebay

Posted by The New N Used Link Team on Wednesday, October 23, 2013,


These two companies are unique in their own way, but based on alexa report for traffic amazon is ranked higher but lets go deeper in comparing the two.

Back in the days eBay was the Champion of ecommerce, and for many kinds of goods, it was literally the only reasonable choice for online shoppers.

These days, things are different buyers have all the choice in the world. In particular, another Champion, has come on the scene to entice sellers, and there's now significant ove...

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The role of the queen

Posted by The New N Used Link on Friday, October 18, 2013,


What purpose does the queen serve many might ask, can England function without a queen? Although the Queen is no longer responsible for governing the country, she carries out a number of important tasks on behalf of the nation.

Head of State

As Head of State, the Queen goes on official State visits abroad. She also invites other world leaders to come to the United Kingdom. During their visit, Heads of State usually stay at Buckingham Palace, or sometim...

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Best Brain Foods for Brain Function

Posted by The New N Used Link on Wednesday, October 16, 2013,


There's no denying that as we age chronologically, our body ages right along with us. But research is showing that you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain well into your old age if you add these "smart" foods to your daily eating regimen.


Blueberries. "Brainberries" researchers have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Studies have also...

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Cell Phones and Cancer Risk

Posted by The New N Used Link Team on Monday, October 14, 2013, In : People 
  • Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues closest to where the phone is held.
  • The amount of radiofrequency energy a cell phone user is exposed to depends on the technology of the phone, the distance between the phone’s antenna and the user, the extent and type of use, and the user’s distance from cell phone towers.
  • Studies thus far have not shown a consistent link between cell phone use and cancers of t...

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Is Reality TV important?

Posted by The New N Used Link on Monday, October 7, 2013, In : People 

Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents unscripted situations and actual occurrences, and often features a previously-unknown cast. The genre often highlights personal drama and conflict to a much greater extent than other unscripted television such as documentary shows. In competition-based reality shows, a notable subset, there are other common elements such as one participant being eliminated per episode, a panel of judges, and the concept of immunity...

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What Color was Jesus?

Posted by The New N Used Link Team on Friday, October 4, 2013,


The race and appearance of Jesus have been discussed on a number of grounds since early Christianity, although the New Testament includes no description of the physical appearance of Jesus before his death and its narrative is generally indifferent to racial appearances.

Despite the lack of direct biblical or historical references, from the second century, various theories about the race of Jesus were advanced and debated. While many people have a fixed mental image of Jesus, drawn from ...

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Tips for preventing bankruptcy

Posted by The New N Used Link Team on Thursday, October 3, 2013, In : Business 


Tips for Preventing Bankruptcy

When you are overwhelmed by your debt, filing for bankruptcy seems to be the only solution. While bankruptcy can help you get rid of most of your debts, it puts you in a position where you have to start building your financial life all over again. It can also make the process of financial rebuilding more difficult, because it affects your ability to gain credit and employment. Instead of giving up hope, you should take a look at some of the things yo...

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