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New N Used will be updating its website in the near future

Posted by New N Used Team on Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Under: Business

In the near future, the team at NewNUsedLink wants to begin updating the website in order to remain relevant and to help increase its usefulness to all its users.

To that end, the first step will addressing the classifieds section software. The team at New N Used is making the switch to new software that will help manage the classified ads section in a way that makes it easy for the users to understand exactly how the system works. Ads can continue to be posted free for 60 days, but a payment system will allow any user to make their ad a preferred version that remains visible at the top of the screen, or to bump their advertisement back to the top of the relevant section, or even ad a highlighted color to their ad in order to make it stand out from its surroundings.

The new software will be implemented in the coming weeks, and if you are already an existing New N Used Link user, you should receive an email in your inbox when the time comes to transition.

As far as the employer and employee job functions work, the New N Used team hopes to streamline the process for both those that are searching for jobs and those that are looking to fill vacancies. The website will be updated in such a way that with just a few buttons clicked, an employer can know that their job vacancy is viewable by the entire New N Used community.

For those hoping to post their resume and find work, we want to work more closely with you, to help you create the best possible resume to get an employer’s attention. New N Used will put together a number of systems that allow users to have their resume’s checked over professionally, and know with confidence that their resumes are being passed out to the right employers.

Overall, we hope to make the website easier for everybody to use while increasing its usefulness. Stay tuned to hear more updates in the future, and feel free to email the New N Used any observations or comments you might have.

In : Business 

Tags: newnusedlink newnusedclassifieds classifieds ads advertisements job employee employer caribbean 

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