Cleaning Services & Janitorial Services USA
business directory listings
Shine Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning Service based in the Twin Cities Area. Able to service surrounding areas. College Students returning for 5th summer in the window service industry. Expanding customer-base. Fully Insured and bonded.

Service: Clean interior/exterior glass windows, as well as window sills and screens. 
possible upon request:
-Gutter Cleaning
-Pressure Washing
-Screen Porch
-And more...

Our product: Biodegradable solution with emphasis on eliminating streaks. Hand-wash all windows using squeegees and cleansing cloths.

Address: Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55082, United States
Tel: (651) 332-6789
Carpet Cleaning Campbell
Carpet Cleaning Campbell - Image 1
Campbell carpet cleaning contractor can offer good prices on residential rug cleaning and sofa cleaning service. Sells silk rugs and does mold removal.

Tel: (480) 796-3239
Address: Campbell, 95008, United States